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Romanians stick to EU membership despite current disinformation campaigns

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Romanians still want to be part of NATO, despite the political vote that was considered, in  December, to be more like a frustration response caused by high inflation, political leaders or deficient institutions. 


In the most recent INSCOP survey, ordered by Funky Citizens, most of the Romanians (60.9%) declared  that, unfortunately, the country is heading down a wrong path. Only 28% of the citizens think the country is heading in a good direction. 

87.5% of the respondents believed that West ( EU, USA, NATO), is the right choice for the country, meanwhile 4.1% of people who participated the survey think the country should be on East side ( Russia, China)

According to the impact that Romania becoming part of the EU had on their lives- economically and socially – 72.5% of the respondents think this event brought mostly advantages.15.8% of them believe that in the future, Romania might have better chances to develop if it will no longer be part of the EU. 

80.4% of the people who participated in the survey consider the USA and Europe to bring a positive influence in their country. Still, 9 % of the respondents believe that Russia and China are a better influence for Romania. 

Also, 57.1% of Romanians believe the country should stand for itself when it does not agree with EU rules even though that means risking to lose it’s position as a member state and 36.3% of the participants think that Romania- as a member of the Union,  should respect the rules even when those are beyond national interests.

In the end , 88.1% of the respondents think Romania shouldn’t leave the European Union or NATO.

The survey was done between 16-23rd of December 2024, on a sample of 1000 persons over 18 years old.