Artificial Intelligence and web3 innovation hub
A digital future means for Romania to become a global center of innovation and research, a major player in the global hi-tech field.
Global tech provider
A digital future means for Romania to become a global provider of solutions for information technology, cyber-security, internet-of-things, technology for smart cities and artificial intelligence.
CEE innovation Leader
A digital future means for Romania to surpass the technological level of the European Union and, in time, to become a regional leader and a relevant actor in the digital future of the Union.
Empowered citizens
A digital future means that Romanian citizens from all over the world can participate directly in the country’s decision-making process and that education, health, infrastructure and public administration reach the highest global standards through technology.
Latest news
Romanians stick to EU membership despite current disinformation campaigns
Romanians still want to be part of NATO, despite the political vote that was considered, in December, to be more like a frustration response caused by high inflation, political leaders or deficient institutions. In the most recent INSCOP survey, ordered by Funky Citizens, most of the Romanians (60.9%) declared that, unfortunately, the country is […]
REPORT DIF VI Tech for Good. AI for a Sustainable Future
In May 2024 we had our flagship event live The Digital International Forum VI after a break and it was a blast. One of the most important conversations on AI and human-centric technology development with a focus on Sustainable Development Goals. You can check the report (including photos from the event and relive the vibe). […]
The AI Code of Practice for General Purpose AI Models (latest developments in AI regulation)
The guiding high level principles for drafting the Code: Alignment with EU Principles and Values Alignment with AI Act and International Approaches Proportionality to Risks Future-Proof Proportionality to the size of the general-purpose AI model provider Support and growth of the AI safety ecosystem The 3 broad areas are considered regarding […]
Comunicat de Presa – Digital International Forum. Tech for Good – AI
Comunicat de presă Decidenți europeni, speakeri mondiali de top și lideri de business dezbat, la Bucuresti, viitorul afacerilor în era inteligenței artificiale. Smart Everything Everywhere organizează cel mai așteptat eveniment de profil al anului: Digital International Forum. Tech for Good – AI for a Sustainable Future, ce va avea loc pe data de 8 mai […]