Dacian Ciolos
Former Prime Minister of Romania

Mariya Gabriel
European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society

Hans G. Klemm
United States Ambassador to Romania

Tamar Samash
Israeli Ambassador to Romania

Emil Boc
Mayor of Cluj-Napoca and former Prime Minister

Iulian Stanciu

Florin Talpes
Founder, Bitdefender

Pierre-Dimitri Gore-Coty
Head of EMEA, Uber

Plamen Russev
Founder and Chairman, Webit
The digital future of Europe

Krum Garkov
Director-General, eu-LISA
Political aspects of cybersecurity

Eoghan O'Neill
European Commission, DG-CONNECT
The European Commission's Innovation Radar

Vlad Voiculescu
Former Minister of Health
E-health panel, Moderator

Christian Rodseth
Administrator, Johnson and Johnson Romania
E-health panel

Mirela Iordan
Country Manager, Pfizer Romania
E-health panel

Calin Brandabur
Founder, Symme3D
E-health panel

Dan Calugareanu
Board member, Axosuits
E-health panel

Mircea Dumitru
Former Minister of Education; Rector, University of Bucharest
Digital Innovation Hubs, Moderator

Anne Marie Sassen
DG-CONNECT, European Commission
Digital Innovation Hubs

Agnieszka Gajewska
Partner, PwC Poland
Digital Innovation Hubs

Stefan Schepers
Secretary-General, High-level WG on innovation policy, Brussels
Digital Innovation Hubs

Laurentiu Nae
Co-founder, Digital Twin
Smart manufacturing panel, co-organizer and Moderator

Arno Basedow
Senior strategic advisor, Fraunhofer Institute
Smart manufacturing panel

Horia Todoran
Director, General Bosch Rexroth Sales
Smart manufacturing panel

Leonhard Muigg
Business development, Siemens AG
Smart manufacturing panel

Norbert Sebesi
Sales Manager Romania, KUKA Robotics
Smart manufacturing panel

Wolfgang Schulz
Director-General, BMW Group Romania
Smart manufacturing panel

Joshua Burke
Commercial Attache, United States Embassy
Smart cities panel, Moderator

Valentin Voinica
Alba Iulia City
Smart cities panel

George Anghel
Director General, Digitax
Smart cities panel

Marius Bostan
Former Minister of Communications and Information Society
Smart cities panel

Andrei Botescu
CEO, Pegas
Smart cities panel

Alexandra Corolea
Smart cities panel

Radu Rosu
Founder and CEO, Eloquentix
Smart cities panel

Ionel Nitu
Founder, New Strategy Center
Smart defense panel, Moderator

Sebastian Tudor
Director-General, TNT Productions Romania
Smart defense panel

Anton Rog
General Director, Cyberint
Smart defense panel

Mihai Raneti
Co-founder and CEO, Cyberswarm
Smart defense panel

Ionut Simion
Country Managing Partner, PwC Romania
Launch of PwC study on IT&C workforce

Paul-Andre Baran
Digital Champion of Romania; Romanian-American Foundation
Innovation catalysts panel, Moderator

Bogdan Iordache
Founder, How to Web and Tech Hub
Innovation catalysts panel

Bianca Muntean
Executive Director, ARIES Transilvania
Innovation catalysts panel

Teodor Blidarus
President, ANIS
Innovation catalysts panel

Razvan Rughinis
CEO, Innovation Labs
Innovation catalysts panel

Cristian Dascalu
Founder, Cluj Hub
Innovation catalysts panel

Oana Craioveanu
Co-founder, Impact Hub Bucharest and Innoteque
Innovation catalysts panel

Livia Ilie
Vice Rector, Lucian Blaga University in Sibiu
Innovation catalysts panel

Tana Foarfa
Innovation and the Romanian presidency of the EC in 2019

Iulia Ghita
Innovation and the Romanian presidency of the EC in 2019
BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT: Digital Romania International Forum I: Industry 4.0
The first edition of the Digital Romania International Forum — Industry 4.0 was organized under the auspices of the Romanian Government in 2016. The Forum was keynoted by Klaus Iohannis, President of Romania; Dacian Ciolos, Prime Minister of Romania; and Gunther Oettinger, European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society. Over 300 decision-makers and CEO-level industry leaders attended The forum focused on three key areas for the future of digitizing Romanian industry: smart/connected cars, smart cities, and agritech. The Forum also marked the public launch by the President and Prime Minister of the Manifesto for a Digital Romania.
The fourth industrial revolution is blurring the boundary between products and services. The new era of industrial production (often referred to as Industry 4.0) refers to cyber-physical systems – a profound interaction between the real and virtual worlds at the core of the manufacturing process. The leap from digital back to physical—from connected, digital technologies to the creation of physical objects— constitutes the essence of Industry 4.0. Be it in transportation, living, food production, health, energy, finance, or education, this profound industrial revolution is fueled and accelerated by disruptive innovation — the next giant leap forward in the transition to Industry 4.0 will come from today’s startups.
To help catalyze the digitization of Romanian industry
Bringing together innovators, industry leaders and top policy-makers, the Forum offers an environment for strategic dialogue and decision for the digitization of industry
To stimulate projects in energy 4.0, e-health, fintech and smart cities
The Forum addresses industry verticals where digitization projects can have significant impact. At the first Forum edition, the conversation revolved around smart/autonomous cars, smart cities and agritech
To bring startups at the forefront of the conversation on digitalization
Romania can bring added-value to the European Union by capitalizing on the critical role startups play in fueling the race to Industry 4.0 and creating the necessary environment for them to thrive
To advocate for the establishment of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH)
Participation in DIHs offers companies a chance to identify and attract talent, technology, and solutions; to improve their competitiveness; and to position themselves at the forefront of the fourth industrial revolution
DAY 1 – 31 of October | AT ATHENEE PALACE HILTON, Le Diplomate ROOM
08:30 - 09:00 REGISTRATION
Welcome Coffee
09:00 - 10:30 OPENING SESSION
Mariya Gabriel – European Commissioner for Digital Economy & Society
Dacian Cioloș – Former Prime Minister of Romania
Hans Klemm – Ambassador of the United States of America to Romania
Tamar Samash – Ambassador of the State of Israel to Romania (TBC)
Iulian Stanciu – CEO eMAG
Pierre-Dimitri Gore-Coty – Head of EMEA, UBER
Florin Talpeș – Founder Bitdefender
10:30 - 10:50 COFFEE BREAK
Coffee Break
Krum Garkov – Executive Director, eu-LISA: “Political aspects of cyber-security”
Ricardo Mascolo – Head of Strategy and Business Development, Ericsson South East Mediterranean: “Mobility Evolution on the road to 5G:Romania’s Digitalization Potential”
Plamen Russev – Founder, Webit
11:15 - 12:00 STRATEGIC PROJECTS: European Commission’s Innovation Radar
Eoghan O’Neill – European Commission
Carmen Ianoși – Policy Officer, DG-CONNECT
Innovation Radar finalists 2017 & 2016
12:00 -13:00 E-HEALTH
Vlad Voiculescu – Former Minister of Health, moderator
Christian Rodseth – Administrator Johnson and Johnson Romania, Managing Director Janssen Romania
Mirela Iordan – Country Manager, Pfizer
Călin Brandabur – Founder, Chairman & CTO, Symme3D
Dan Călugăreanu – Board member Axosuits
13:00 - 14:00 LUNCH
14:00 - 15:00 STRATEGIC PROJECTS: European Commission’s Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH)
Anne Marie Sassen – Coordinator, DIH at DG-CONNECT, moderator
Mircea Dumitru – Former Minister of Education and University of Bucharest Rector
Agnieszka Gajewska – Partner, PwC Poland
Stefan Schepers – Secretary General of High Level Group on Innovation Policy Management, Brussels
15:00 - 15:15 Coffee Break
Coffee Break
15:15 - 16:15 SMART MANUFACTURING – Co-Organized with Digital Twin
Laurențiu Nae – Digital Twin, moderator
Arno Basedow – Fraunhofer Institute
Claudiu Petre – Vice President / Head of General Business Markets & European Funds, NTT Data
Horia Todoran – Director General Bosch Rexroth Sales SRL
Leonhard Muigg – Siemens Industry Software
Norbert Sebesi – Sales Manager Romania, KUKA România
Wolfgang Schulz – Director general, BMW Group România
Senior Representative, Universal Robots (TBC)
Senior Representative, Cobotwear (TBC)
16:15 - 16:30 Keynote: Emil Boc – Mayor of Cluj-Napoca
Keynote: Emil Boc – Mayor of Cluj-Napoca
16:30 - 17:30 SMART CITIES
Emil Boc – Mayor of Cluj-Napoca
Nicolae Moldovan – Alba Iulia City Manager
Joshua Burke – Commercial Attache, US Embassy
George Anghel – Director General, Digitax
Marius Bostan – Former Minister of Communications and Information Society
Andrei Botescu – CEO Pegas
Senior Representative, Uber
DAY 2 – 1st of November | AT VICTORIA-GHICA PALACE
09:00 - 09:30 REGISTRATION
Guest registration and coffee
Iulian Stanciu, CEO eMAG — “Online marketplaces”
10:00 - 11:00 SMART DEFENSE, co-organized with New Strategy Center and TNT Productions
Ionel Nițu – New Strategy Center, moderator
Sebastian Tudor – General Manager, TNT Productions
Anton Rog – Director Cyberint
Mihai Raneti – Founder / CEO Cyberfog
Aeroglas – Innovation Radar finalist startup (TBC)
11:00-11:10 - KEYNOTE Ionuț Simion, Country Managing Partner, PwC Romania
Ionuț Simion, Country Managing Partner, PwC Romania
Paul Baran – Technology & Innovation Consultant, Romanian-American Foundation, moderator
Bogdan Iordache – Founder, How To Web
Andrei Roth – Innoteque and Recognos
Bianca Muntean – Executive Director, ARIES Transilvania
Răzvan Rughiniș – Manager, Innovation Labs
Teodor Blidaruș – President, ANIS
Cristian Dascalu – Cluj Hub
Livia Ilie – Prorector, Universitatea Lucian Blaga, Sibiu
12:30 - 13:30 The role of industry and entrepreneurship in ROMANIA’S PRESIDENCY OF THE EU COUNCIL, co-organized with Europuls
The role of industry and entrepreneurship in ROMANIA’S PRESIDENCY OF THE EU COUNCIL, co-organized with Europuls
13:30 - 14:00 Closing and networking
Closing and networking