May 7th, 2019
May 8th, 2019
Background and context
The Digital International Forum is the highest-level annual meeting of decision-makers and industry leaders in Romania. We shape the conversation and drive change in fields related to digital progress — from smart manufacturing and industry to digital innovation and entrepreneurship.
A digital Davos of Romania, the Forum is the place where top stakeholders set Romania’s digital agenda for the year to come, in consultation with European Commissioners, Heads of State, and Romania’s strategic partners.
The Forum advances the digital agenda of Europe and provides a platform for establishing Europe’s digital priorities, in the context of the Sibiu Summit. Accelerated digitalization is the key to further European integration, in the face of centrifugal forces that affect the stability of our Union: rising nationalism and populism; the rise of fake news; divergent and illiberal governments; migration, ageing, and global warming.
Our vision is a united and integrated digital Europe, and the May 7-8 Digital International Forum IV — “The Digital Future of Europe” is our platform for promoting our common digital future.

Shape the European debate on the future of Europe
Organized in the margins of the Sibiu Summit of May 9 2019, the Forum is a platform for bringing digitalization the additional weight of the European agenda and for promoting digitalization as a national and European priority, as well as a key factor for European integration.

Stimulate collaboration on digital projects that help further integrate Romania into the European Union
The forum brings together officials and industry decision-makers with aligned objectives, who spearhead and commit to concrete projects in fields where digitalization is the key source of growth and integration.

Offer participants effective advocacy mechanisms for contributing to the cohesion and well-being of the European Union.
In line with previous editions, the Forum is a platform for setting the industry’s tone, objectives, and focus for the year to come.

Showcase Romania’s results in promoting a digital agenda during its Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
The Forum brings together initiatives and decision-makers to showcase and encapsulate the progress of the national and European digital agenda, subsequent to Romania’s presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Registration and coffee
08:30 - 09:30
Opening session - Keynotes
09:30 - 10:15
- Dan Nechita, President, Smart Everything Everywhere
- Cosmin Marinescu, Presidential Adviser with a message from the President of Romania H.E. Klaus Werner Iohannis
- Emil Boc, former Prime Minister and Mayor of Cluj-Napoca (TBC)
- Dragoș Tudorache, Former Minister of Interior
- H.E. Hans G. Klemm, U.S. Ambassador to Romania
- H.E. David Saranga, Israeli Ambassador to Romania
- Iulian Stanciu, CEO, eMAG
Coffee break
10:15 - 10:30
[4.0 Talks keynote] Fostering European convergence and common values
10:30 - 10:40
- Deliberative democracy / citizen participation: H.E. Kevin Hamilton, Ambassador of Canada to Romania, the Republic of Bulgaria, and the Republic of Moldova
Launch of the Coalition for Industry 4.0 -- SEE's latest project
10:40 - 10:50
[Keynote]: Răzvan Sighinaș, CIO, ING Romania
10:50 - 11:00
Panel: Securing Europe’s Digital Future: Digitalization and technology at the core of European e-health
11:00 - 12:20
- Moderator: Diana Păun, State Adviser, Presidential Administration
- Sorina Pintea, Minister of Health, Government of Romania
- Christian Rodseth, Managing Director Janssen Romania and Administrator Johnson and Johnson Romania
- Alexandru Popescu, Market Leader Health Systems, Philips Central and Eastern Europe
- Mirela Iordan, Country Manager, Pfizer Romania
- Ray Pinto, Digital Transformation Policy Director, Digital Europe
12:20 - 13:30
[4.0 Talks] Fostering European convergence and common values
13:30 - 13:40
- Sibiu perspectives of contemporary European developments: Min. Iulian Chifu, Director, Center for Conflict Prevention and Early Warning
[4.0 Talks] Fostering European convergence and common values
13:40 - 13:50
- Gender equality and Girls in Tech: Diana Popp, Vice President, Smart Everything Everywhere
[Keynote] Securing Europe’s Digital Future in automotive and mobility
13:50 - 14:00
- Christian Von Albrichsfeld, CEO, Continental
Panel: Securing Europe’s Digital Future: Digitalization in the automotive and energy industries
14:00 - 15:20
- Moderator: Ionuț Aionițoaei, CIO, Smart Everything Everywhere
- Christian Von Albrichsfeld, CEO, Continental
- Costin Borc, former Vice Prime Minister of Economy, Commerce and Relations with the Business Environment, and CEE Director, SNEF
- Victor Grigorescu, former Minister of Energy
- Sean O’Neill, CEO, Idrive
- Mihai Peşte, Head of Muntenia Region, E-Distribuție
[4.0 Talks] Fostering European convergence and common values
15:20 - 15:30
- Fake news and disinformation: Laurențiu Mihu, journalist
[4.0 Talks] Fostering European convergence and common values
15:30 - 15:40
- The digital component of the Three Seas Initiative: Angelika Jaroslawska, Program Coordinator, Poland 3.0
Panel: Securing Europe’s Digital Future: digital entrepreneurship and innovation, Digital Innovation Hubs, funding for innovation
15:40 - 17:00
- Moderator: Joshua Burke, Commercial Attache, U.S. Embassy
- Dragoș Pîslaru, Entrepreneur and Former Minister of Labour
- Paula Pîrvănescu, State Secretary, Invest Romania
- Manuela Catrina, State Secretary, Ministry of Communications and Technology
- Vesa Terävä, Research Strategy & Programme Coordination DG Connect, European Commission
- Dan Călugăreanu, Partner, Early Game Ventures
- Bianca Muntean, Executive Director, ARIES Transilvania
Closing session
17:00 - 17:10
Welcome coffee
09:00 - 10:00
High-level keynotes
10:00 - 10:30
First meeting of the Coalition for Industry 4.0
10:30 - 12:00
- Mandate and statute
Lunch break
12:00 - 13:00
Second meeting of the Coalition for Industry 4.0
13:00 - 15:00
- Objectives and 2019 Action Plan

Strategic partners